Developer Notes


Things to check if new functionality added:

  1. Ensure functions are unit tested.

  2. Ensure functions have numpy style docstrings.

  3. Ensure code is PEP8 compliant.

  4. Add to quimb/ and "__all__" if appropriate (or the tensor network equivalent

  5. Add to changelog and elsewhere in docs.

Running the Tests

Testing quimb requires pytest (as well as coverage and pytest-cov) and simply involves running pytest in the root quimb directory.

The tests can also be run with pre-spawned mpi workers using the command quimb-mpi-python -m pytest (but not in syncro mode – see MPI).

Building the docs locally

Building the docs requires sphinx, myst_nb, sphinx-autoapi, sphinx_copybutton, and furo.

  1. cd into the quimb/docs folder.

  2. To start from scratch, remove the _build folder.

  3. Run sphinx-build -b html . ./_build/html/.

  4. Launch the page: open _build/html/index.html.

Building the DocSet

Building the DocSet requires doc2dash >= 2.4.1.

  1. To start from scratch, remove quimb/docs/_build.

  2. Run make docset in the quimb/docs folder.

  3. Open the file quimb/docs/_build/quimb.docset to load it to Dash.

Afterwards, in order to update the Dash repository with a the DocSet after a new release:

  1. Clone the Dash-User-Contributions.

  2. Go to docsets/quimb, create a new directory with the version name inside the versions dir and copy there the generated DocSet.

  3. Edit the docset.json: update the "version" and add a new element below "specific_versions".

  4. Commit and create a new Pull Request.

Minting a Release

quimb uses setuptools_scm to manage version. The steps to release a new version on pypi are as follows:

  1. Make sure all tests are passing, as well as the continuous integration and readthedocs build.

  2. git tag the release with next vX.Y.Z

  3. Push the tag to github: git push --tags and github actions will build and upload the release to pypi, which will then get picked up by conda-forge.

Alternate manual release steps (after tagging):

  1. Remove any old builds: rm dist/*`

  2. Build the tar and wheel python -m build

  3. Upload using twine: twine upload dist/*