quimb.tensor.tensor_3d_tebd =========================== .. py:module:: quimb.tensor.tensor_3d_tebd .. autoapi-nested-parse:: Tools for performing TEBD like algorithms on a 3D lattice. Classes ------- .. autoapisummary:: quimb.tensor.tensor_3d_tebd.LocalHam3D Module Contents --------------- .. py:class:: LocalHam3D(Lx, Ly, Lz, H2, H1=None, cyclic=False) Bases: :py:obj:`quimb.tensor.tensor_arbgeom_tebd.LocalHamGen` Representation of a local hamiltonian defined on a general graph. This combines all two site and one site terms into a single interaction per lattice pair, and caches operations on the terms such as getting their exponential. The sites (nodes) should be hashable and comparable. :param H2: The interaction terms, with each key being an tuple of nodes defining an edge and each value the local hamilotonian term for those two nodes. :type H2: dict[tuple[node], array_like] :param H1: The one site term(s). If a single array is given, assume to be the default onsite term for all terms. If a dict is supplied, the keys should represent specific coordinates like ``(i, j)`` with the values the array representing the local term for that site. A default term for all remaining sites can still be supplied with the key ``None``. :type H1: array_like or dict[node, array_like], optional .. attribute:: terms The total effective local term for each interaction (with single site terms appropriately absorbed). Each key is a pair of coordinates ``site_a, site_b`` with ``site_a < site_b``. :type: dict[tuple, array_like] .. py:attribute:: Lx .. py:attribute:: Ly .. py:attribute:: Lz .. py:property:: nsites The number of sites in the system. .. py:method:: __repr__()