
Tools for constructing MERA for arbitrary geometry.


   - [ ] 2D, 3D MERA classes
   - [ ] general strategies for arbitrary geometries
   - [ ] layer_tag? and hanling of other attributes
   - [ ] handle dangling case
   - [ ] invariant generators?


   - [x] layer_gate methods for arbitrary geometry
   - [x] 1D: generic way to handle finite and open boundary conditions
   - [x] hook into other arbgeom infrastructure for computing rdms etc



A class for building generic 'isometric' or MERA like tensor network


Replacement class for MERA which uses the new infrastructure and


calc_1d_unis_isos(sites, block_size, cyclic, ...)

Given sites, assumed to be in a 1D order, though not neccessarily

TTN_randtree_rand(sites, D[, phys_dim, group_size, ...])

Return a randomly constructed tree tensor network.

Module Contents

class quimb.experimental.merabuilder.TensorNetworkGenIso(ts=(), *, virtual=False, check_collisions=True)

Bases: quimb.tensor.tensor_arbgeom.TensorNetworkGenVector

A class for building generic ‘isometric’ or MERA like tensor network states with arbitrary geometry. After supplying the underyling sites of the problem - which can be an arbitrary sequence of hashable objects - one places either unitaries, isometries or tree tensors layered above groups of sites. The isometric and tree tensors effectively coarse grain blocks into a single new site, and the unitaries generally ‘disentangle’ between blocks.

_EXTRA_PROPS = ('_site_tag_id', '_sites', '_site_ind_id', '_layer_ind_id')
classmethod empty(sites, phys_dim=2, site_tag_id='I{}', site_ind_id='k{}', layer_ind_id='l{}')
property layer_ind_id
layer_gate_raw(G, where, iso=True, new_sites=None, tags=None, all_site_tags=None)

Build out this MERA by placing either a new unitary, isometry or tree tensor, given by G, at the sites given by where. This handles propagating the lightcone of tags and marking the correct indices of the IsoTensor as left_inds.

  • G (array_like) – The raw array to place at the sites. Its shape determines whether it is a unitary or isometry/tree. It should have k + len(where) dimensions. For a unitary k == len(where). If it is an isometry/tree, k will generally be 1, or 0 to ‘cap’ the MERA. The rightmost indices are those attached to the current open layer indices.

  • where (sequence of hashable) – The sites to layer the tensor above.

  • iso (bool, optional) – Whether to declare the tensor as an unitary/isometry by marking the left indices. If iso = False (a ‘tree’ tensor) then one should have k <= 1. Once you have such a ‘tree’ tensor you cannot place isometries or unitaries above it. It will also have the lightcone tags of every site. Technically one could place ‘PEPS’ style tensor with iso = False and k > 1 but some methods might break.

  • new_sites (sequence of hashable, optional) – Which sites to make new open sites. If not given, defaults to the first k sites in where.

  • tags (sequence of str, optional) – Custom tags to add to the new tensor, in addition to the automatically generated site tags.

  • all_site_tags (sequence of str, optional) – For performance, supply all site tags to avoid recomputing them.

layer_gate_fill_fn(fill_fn, operation, where, max_bond, new_sites=None, tags=None, all_site_tags=None)

Build out this MERA by placing either a new unitary, isometry or tree tensor at sites where, generating the data array using fill_fn and maximum bond dimension max_bond.

  • fill_fn (callable) – A function with signature fill_fn(shape) -> array_like.

  • operation ({"iso", "uni", "cap", "tree", "treecap"}) – The type of tensor to place.

  • where (sequence of hashable) – The sites to layer the tensor above.

  • max_bond (int) – The maximum bond dimension of the tensor. This only applies for isometries and trees and when the product of the lower dimensions is greater than max_bond.

  • new_sites (sequence of hashable, optional) – Which sites to make new open sites. If not given, defaults to the first k sites in where.

  • tags (sequence of str, optional) – Custom tags to add to the new tensor, in addition to the automatically generated site tags.

  • all_site_tags (sequence of str, optional) – For performance, supply all site tags to avoid recomputing them.

See also


partial_trace(keep, optimize='auto-hq', rehearse=False, preserve_tensor=False, **contract_opts)

Partial trace out all sites except those in keep, making use of the lightcone structure of the MERA.

  • keep (sequence of hashable) – The sites to keep.

  • optimize (str or PathOptimzer, optional) – The contraction ordering strategy to use.

  • rehearse ({False, "tn", "tree"}, optional) –

    Whether to rehearse the contraction rather than actually performing it. If:

    • False: perform the contraction and return the reduced density matrix,

    • ”tn”: just the lightcone tensor network is returned,

    • ”tree”: just the contraction tree that will be used is returned.

  • contract_opts – Additional options to pass to tensor_contract().


The reduced density matrix on sites keep.

Return type:


local_expectation(G, where, optimize='auto-hq', rehearse=False, **contract_opts)

Compute the expectation value of a local operator G at sites where. This is done by contracting the lightcone tensor network to form the reduced density matrix, before taking the trace with G.

  • G (array_like) – The local operator to compute the expectation value of.

  • where (sequence of hashable) – The sites to compute the expectation value at.

  • optimize (str or PathOptimzer, optional) – The contraction ordering strategy to use.

  • rehearse ({False, "tn", "tree"}, optional) – Whether to rehearse the contraction rather than actually performing it. See partial_trace() for details.

  • contract_opts – Additional options to pass to tensor_contract().


The expectation value of G at sites where.

Return type:


See also


compute_local_expectation(terms, optimize='auto-hq', return_all=False, rehearse=False, executor=None, progbar=False, **contract_opts)

Compute the expectation value of a collection of local operators terms at sites where. This is done by contracting the lightcone tensor network to form the reduced density matrices, before taking the trace with each G in terms.

  • terms (dict[tuple[hashable], array_like]) – The local operators to compute the expectation value of, keyed by the sites they act on.

  • optimize (str or PathOptimzer, optional) – The contraction ordering strategy to use.

  • return_all (bool, optional) – Whether to return all the expectation values, or just the sum.

  • rehearse ({False, "tn", "tree"}, optional) – Whether to rehearse the contraction rather than actually performing it. See partial_trace() for details.

  • executor (Executor, optional) – The executor to use for parallelism.

  • progbar (bool, optional) – Whether to show a progress bar.

  • contract_opts – Additional options to pass to tensor_contract().

expand_bond_dimension(new_bond_dim, rand_strength=0.0, inds_to_expand=None, inplace=False)

Expand the maxmimum bond dimension of this isometric tensor network to new_bond_dim. Unlike expand_bond_dimension() this proceeds from the physical indices upwards, and only increases a bonds size if new_bond_dim is larger than product of the lower indices dimensions.

  • new_bond_dim (int) – The new maximum bond dimension to expand to.

  • rand_strength (float, optional) – The strength of random noise to add to the new array entries, if any.

  • inds_to_expand (sequence of str, optional) – The indices to expand, if not all.

  • inplace (bool, optional) – Whether to expand this tensor network in place, or return a new one.

Return type:


quimb.experimental.merabuilder.calc_1d_unis_isos(sites, block_size, cyclic, group_from_right)

Given sites, assumed to be in a 1D order, though not neccessarily contiguous, calculate unitary and isometry groupings:

       │         │ <- new grouped site
┐   ┌─────┐   ┌─────┐   ┌
│   │ ISO │   │ ISO │   │
┘   └─────┘   └─────┘   └
│   │..│..│   │..│..│   │
┌───┐  │  ┌───┐  │  ┌───┐
│UNI│  │  │UNI│  │  │UNI│
└───┘  │  └───┘  │  └───┘
│   │ ... │   │ ... │   │
    ^^^^^^^ <- isometry groupings of size, block_size
^^^^^     ^^^^^ <- unitary groupings of size 2
  • sites (sequence of hashable) – The sites to apply a layer to.

  • block_size (int) – How many sites to group together per isometry block. Note that currently the unitaries will only ever act on blocks of size 2 across isometry block boundaries.

  • cyclic (bool) – Whether to apply disentangler / unitaries across the boundary. The isometries will never be applied across the boundary, but since they always form a tree such a bipartition is natural.

  • group_from_right (bool) – Wether to group the sites starting from the left or right. This only matters if block_size does not divide the number of sites. Alternating between left and right more evenly tiles the unitaries and isometries, especially at lower layers.


  • unis (list[tuple]) – The unitary groupings.

  • isos (list[tuple]) – The isometry groupings.

class quimb.experimental.merabuilder.MERA(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: quimb.tensor.tensor_1d.TensorNetwork1DVector, TensorNetworkGenIso

Replacement class for MERA which uses the new infrastructure and thus has methods like compute_local_expectation.

_num_layers = None
classmethod from_fill_fn(fill_fn, L, D, phys_dim=2, block_size=2, cyclic=True, uni_fill_fn=None, iso_fill_fn=None, cap_fill_fn=None, **kwargs)

Create a 1D MERA using fill_fn(shape) -> array_like to fill the tensors.

  • fill_fn (callable) – A function which takes a shape and returns an array_like of that shape. You can override this specfically for the unitaries, isometries and cap tensors using the kwargs uni_fill_fn, iso_fill_fn and cap_fill_fn.

  • L (int) – The number of sites.

  • D (int) – The maximum bond dimension.

  • phys_dim (int, optional) – The dimension of the physical indices.

  • block_size (int, optional) – The size of the isometry blocks. Binary MERA is the default, ternary MERA is block_size=3.

  • cyclic (bool, optional) – Whether to apply disentangler / unitaries across the boundary. The isometries will never be applied across the boundary, but since they always form a tree such a bipartition is natural.

  • uni_fill_fn (callable, optional) – A function which takes a shape and returns an array_like of that shape. This is used to fill the unitary tensors. If None then fill_fn is used.

  • iso_fill_fn (callable, optional) – A function which takes a shape and returns an array_like of that shape. This is used to fill the isometry tensors. If None then fill_fn is used.

  • cap_fill_fn (callable, optional) – A function which takes a shape and returns an array_like of that shape. This is used to fill the cap tensors. If None then fill_fn is used.

  • kwargs – Supplied to TensorNetworkGenIso.__init__.

classmethod rand(L, D, seed=None, block_size=2, phys_dim=2, cyclic=True, isometrize_method='svd', **kwargs)

Return a random (optionally isometrized) MERA.

  • L (int) – The number of sites.

  • D (int) – The maximum bond dimension.

  • seed (int, optional) – A random seed.

  • block_size (int, optional) – The size of the isometry blocks. Binary MERA is the default, ternary MERA is block_size=3.

  • phys_dim (int, optional) – The dimension of the physical indices.

  • cyclic (bool, optional) – Whether to apply disentangler / unitaries across the boundary. The isometries will never be applied across the boundary, but since they always form a tree such a bipartition is natural.

  • isometrize_method (str or None, optional) – If given, the method to use to isometrize the MERA. If None then the MERA is not isometrized.

property num_layers
quimb.experimental.merabuilder.TTN_randtree_rand(sites, D, phys_dim=2, group_size=2, iso=False, seed=None, **kwargs)

Return a randomly constructed tree tensor network.

  • sites (list of hashable) – The sites of the tensor network.

  • D (int) – The maximum bond dimension.

  • phys_dim (int, optional) – The dimension of the physical indices.

  • group_size (int, optional) – How many sites to group together in each tensor.

  • iso (bool, optional) – Whether to build the tree with an isometric flow towards the top.

  • seed (int, optional) – A random seed.

  • kwargs – Supplied to TensorNetworkGenIso.empty.


ttn – The tree tensor network.

Return type:
