17. schematic
- manual drawing¶
This example demonstrates the basic functionality of the schematic
The schematic module is a simple wrapper around matplotlib
that allows
programatically drawing diagrams, e.g. for tensor networks, in 2D and also
pseudo-3D. It is used as the backend for automatic drawing in
TensorNetwork.draw, but it also useful for
making manual diagrams not associated with a tensor network. The main object
is the Drawing
17.1. Illustrative full examples¶
The following examples are intended to be illustrative of a full drawing.
If you supply a dict of presets
to Drawing
, then you can provide default
styling for various elements simply by name.
17.1.1. 2D example¶
%config InlineBackend.figure_formats = ['svg']
from quimb import schematic
presets = {
'bond': {'linewidth': 3},
'phys': {'linewidth': 1.5},
'center': {
# `get_color` uses more colorblind friendly colors
'color': schematic.get_color('orange'),
'hatch': '/////',
'left': {
'color': schematic.get_color('bluedark'),
'right': {
'color': schematic.get_color('blue'),
d = schematic.Drawing(presets=presets)
L = 10
center = 5
for i in range(10):
# draw tensor
d.circle((i, 0), preset=(
"center" if i == center else
"left" if i < center else
# draw physical index
d.line((i, 0), (i, -2/3), preset='phys')
# draw virtual bond
if i + 1 < L:
d.line((i, 0), (i + 1, 0), preset='bond')
# draw isometric conditions
if i != center:
d.arrowhead((i, -2/3), (i, 0), preset='phys')
if i < center - 1:
d.arrowhead((i, 0), (i + 1, 0), preset='bond')
if i > center + 1:
d.arrowhead((i, 0), (i - 1, 0), preset='bond')
# label the left
if center > 0:
d.text((center - 1, 0.8), 'LEFT')
d.patch_around([(i, 0) for i in range(center)], radius=0.5)
# label pair
if center + 1 < L:
(center, 0), 0.3,
(center + 1, 0), 0.3,
facecolor=(.2, .8, .5, .4),
# label the right
if center + 2 < L:
d.text((center + 2, 0.8), 'RIGHT')
d.patch_around([(i, 0) for i in range(center + 2, L)], radius=0.5)
17.1.2. Pseudo-3D example¶
If you supply 3D coordinates to Drawing
methods then the objects will be
mapped by the axonometric projection to 2D and given appropriate z-ordering.
The projection and orientation can be controlled in the Drawing
d = schematic.Drawing(presets=presets, figsize=(10, 10))
L = 10
radius = 0.15
for center in range(L):
# map the stage into a 3D x-coordinate
x = 2 * center
for i in range(10):
# draw tensor, can now use cube rather than circle
d.cube((x, i, 0), radius=radius, preset=(
"center" if i == center else
"left" if i < center else
# draw physical index
d.line((x, i, 0), (x, i, -2/3), preset='phys')
# draw virtual bond
if i + 1 < L:
d.line((x, i + radius, 0), (x, i + 1 - radius, 0), preset='bond')
# draw isometric conditions
if i != center:
d.arrowhead((x, i, -2/3), (x, i, 0), preset='phys')
if i < center - 1:
d.arrowhead((x, i, 0), (x, i + 1, 0), preset='bond')
if i > center + 1:
d.arrowhead((x, i, 0), (x, i - 1, 0), preset='bond')
# label the left
if center > 0:
d.patch_around([(x, i, 0) for i in range(center)], radius=3 * radius, smoothing=0.0)
# label pair
if center + 1 < L:
(x, center, 0), 2.5 * radius,
(x, center + 1, 0), 2.5 * radius,
facecolor=(.2, .7, .3, .3),
# label the right
if center + 2 < L:
d.patch_around([(x, i, 0) for i in range(center + 2, L)], radius=3 * radius, smoothing=0.0)
d.text((0, 0, 1), '$T^i_{e_i}$', color=schematic.get_color('orange'))
17.2. Individual elements:¶
Here we demonstrate the different types of individual element that can be placed.
The hash_to_color
function is useful way to deterministically generate colors
from hashable objects.
import numpy as np
17.2.1. Circles¶
Drawing.circle draws a circle with a given radius and center coordinates.
d = schematic.Drawing()
coos = [
(i, j, 0)
for i in range(4)
for j in range(4)
for coo in coos:
radius=np.random.uniform(0.2, 0.3),
# dot is a simple alias circle
d.dot((1.5, 1.5, 0))
17.2.2. Cubes¶
Drawing.cube draws a cube with a given ‘radius’ and center coordinates, only for 3D coordinates.
d = schematic.Drawing()
coos = [
(i, j, 0)
for i in range(4)
for j in range(4)
for coo in coos:
radius=np.random.uniform(0.2, 0.3),
17.2.3. Text¶
Drawing.text places text in data coordinates (including 3D). Drawing.label_ax and Drawing.label_fig are the same but default to axis and figure coordinates respectively.
d = schematic.Drawing()
coos = [
(i, j, 0)
for i in range(4)
for j in range(4)
for coo in coos:
coo, str(coo),
# labels are the same but use the axes or figure coordinates
d.label_ax(0.1, 0.9, '$\\mathbf{B}$', fontsize=20)
d.label_fig(0.5, 0.0, '$\\sum_e \\prod_i ~ T^i_{e_i}$', fontsize=16)
17.2.4. General shapes¶
Drawing.shape draws a general filled shape given a sequence of 2D or 3D coordinates.
d = schematic.Drawing()
rng = np.random.default_rng(1)
pts = rng.normal(size=(8, 3, 3))
for coos in pts:
17.2.5. Markers¶
Drawing.marker is a convenience method for specifying the shape of a patch using a single string or integer, to yield a regular polygon.
d = schematic.Drawing()
for p in range(3, 10):
d.marker((p, 0), marker=p)
d.text((p, 0.5), f"{p}-gon")
It is a wrapper around Drawing.regular_polygon with which you can also change the rotation with the orientation
17.3. Lines and curves¶
17.3.1. Lines¶
The basic method for drawing lines between a pair of 2D or 3d points is Drawing.line.
d = schematic.Drawing()
d.line((0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1))
d.line((0, 1, 0), (0, 1, 1), arrowhead=True)
d.line((1, 0, 0), (1, 0, 1), linewidth=4)
d.line((1, 1, 0), (1, 1, 1), linestyle=':')
When drawing lattice bonds it can be used fule to shorten the lines somewhat for visual effect.
kwarg applies an overall relative stretch to the whole line.The
kwarg makes the line stop an absolute amount shorter, a tuple can be used to control start and end separately.
By setting shorten
to the radius
of circles drawn, the lines connect exactly to the circle edge:
d = schematic.Drawing()
r = 0.15
edges = [
((i, j), (i, j + 1)) for i in range(5) for j in range(3)
] + [
((i, j), (i + 1, j)) for i in range(4) for j in range(4)
sites = {site for edge in edges for site in edge}
for site in sites:
d.circle((0, *site), radius=2.0 * r, color=schematic.get_color("green"), linewidth=3)
d.circle((3, *site), radius=0.7 * r, color=schematic.get_color("pink"), linewidth=2)
for sitea, siteb in edges:
d.line((0, *sitea), (0, *siteb,), shorten=2.0 * r, linewidth=3)
d.line((3, *sitea), (3, *siteb,), shorten=0.7 * r, linewidth=1)
17.3.2. Arrows and labels¶
You can easily add text and arrows along lines:
d = schematic.Drawing()
pa, pb, pc = (0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 0.5)
d.line(pa, pb, text="hello\n")
d.line(pb, pc, text=dict(text="world\n", color='red'), arrowhead=dict(center=1))
# calling `line` with `text=` is a shortcut for `text_between`
d.text_between(pa, pc, "Could this be a shortcut?", color="green")
17.3.3. Curves¶
If you want a line to pass through multiple points, you can use Drawing.curve to draw a smooth curve.
d = schematic.Drawing()
[(0, 0), (1, 1), (2.5, 0.5), (3.5, 1.5)],
linestyle='-.', linewidth=5,
# you can draw just the arrowhead separatel
d.arrowhead((1, 1), (2.5, 0.5), linewidth=5, width=0.15)
Curves pass exactly through all points given, with the smoothing
kwarg controlling… how smoothly they do this.
import matplotlib as mpl
d = schematic.Drawing()
rng = np.random.default_rng(1)
pts = rng.normal(size=(20, 3))
cm = mpl.colormaps.get_cmap('RdPu')
for pt in pts:
d.dot(pt, color='black', radius=0.05)
for smoothing in np.linspace(0.0, 2.0, 11):
d.curve(pts, smoothing=smoothing, color=cm(smoothing / 2))
d.label_ax(1.0, 0.60, "smoothing=0.0", color=cm(0.0))
d.label_ax(1.0, 0.65, "smoothing=1.0", color=cm(0.5))
d.label_ax(1.0, 0.70, "smoothing=2.0", color=cm(1.0))
Drawing.curve also takes the shorten
kwarg which shortens the final segments by the specified absolute amount:
d = schematic.Drawing()
r1 = 0.2
r2 = 0.3
d.circle((0, 1), radius=r1, linewidth=3)
d.curve([(0, 1), (0, 0), (1, 1), (1, 0)], shorten=(r1, r2), linewidth=3)
# also add an arrow on the middle segment
d.arrowhead((0, 0), (1, 1), linewidth=3)
d.circle((1, 0), radius=r2, linewidth=3)
17.3.4. Multi-edges¶
If you want to programmatically draw multiple lines from one place to the other (‘multi-edges’) you can use line_offset
d = schematic.Drawing()
pa, pb = (0, 0, 0), (0, 1, 1)
green = schematic.get_color("green")
red = schematic.get_color("red")
blue = schematic.get_color("blue")
d.circle(pa, color=green)
d.circle(pb, color=red)
# you can still use arrowheads and text labels
d.line_offset(pa, pb, 0.2, arrowhead=dict(center=0.9), text='forwards\n', color=blue)
d.line_offset(pa, pb, 0.0, arrowhead=dict(center=0.9, reverse=True), text='backwards\n', color=blue)
d.line_offset(pa, pb, -0.2, arrowhead=dict(center=0.9, reverse="both"), text='both ways!\n', color=blue, midlength=0.4)
17.4. Highlighting areas and groups of objects¶
17.4.1. Patches around general areas¶
In technical drawings it is often useful to highlight areas. The Drawing.patch method does this by filling in a curve, given by a sequence of 2D or 3D coordinates.
d = schematic.Drawing(figsize=(4, 4))
d.marker((0, 0), marker='s', color=schematic.get_color('yellow'))
d.marker((0, 1), marker='s', color=schematic.get_color('bluedark'))
(-.3, -.3),
(+.3, -.3),
(+.3, +1.3),
(-.3, +1.3),
], smoothing=0.3)
17.4.2. Patches around two circles¶
If you want to specifically highlight two circles, you can use Drawing.patch_around_circles, and simply specify the two circles by their center coordinates and radii.
d = schematic.Drawing(figsize=(4, 4))
d.circle((0, 0), radius=3, color=schematic.get_color('pink'))
d.circle((10, 1), radius=2, color=schematic.get_color('blue'))
(0, 0), 3,
(10, 1), 2,
17.4.3. Patches around arbitrary collections of objects¶
If you want to highlight an arbitrary collection of objects, you can call Drawing.patch_around, this computes the convex hull of the objects and draws a patch around it.
d = schematic.Drawing()
for pt in pts[:7]:
d.dot(pt, color='orange', radius=0.05)
for pt in pts[7:]:
d.dot(pt, color='black', radius=0.05)
d.patch_around(pts[:7], edgecolor='orange')
You can control how much padding is added around the perimeter of the objects
using the radius
d = schematic.Drawing()
for k, pt in enumerate(pts):
d.dot(pt, color=schematic.hash_to_color(str(k)), radius=0.05)
for k in range(1, len(pts)):
radius=0.05 * k,
facecolor=schematic.hash_to_color(str(k - 1)),