Tools for computing distances between and fitting tensor networks.
Compute the Frobenius norm distance between two tensor networks: |
Optimize the fit of |
Conjugate Gradient solver for complex matrices/linear operators. |
Optimize the fit of |
Fit tn to tn_target, assuming that tn has tree structure (i.e. a |
Module Contents¶
- quimb.tensor.fitting.tensor_network_distance(tnA, tnB, xAA=None, xAB=None, xBB=None, method='auto', normalized=False, output_inds=None, **contract_opts)¶
Compute the Frobenius norm distance between two tensor networks:
\[D(A, B) = | A - B |_{\mathrm{fro}} = \mathrm{Tr} [(A - B)^{\dagger}(A - B)]^{1/2} = ( \langle A | A \rangle - 2 \mathrm{Re} \langle A | B \rangle| + \langle B | B \rangle ) ^{1/2}\]which should have matching outer indices. Note the default approach to computing the norm is precision limited to about
is the precision of the data type, e.g.1e-8
for float64. This is due to the subtraction in the above expression.- Parameters:
tnA (TensorNetwork or Tensor) – The first tensor network operator.
tnB (TensorNetwork or Tensor) – The second tensor network operator.
xAA (None or scalar) – The value of
A.H @ A
if you already know it (or it doesn’t matter).xAB (None or scalar) – The value of
A.H @ B
if you already know it (or it doesn’t matter).xBB (None or scalar) – The value of
B.H @ B
if you already know it (or it doesn’t matter).method ({'auto', 'overlap', 'dense'}, optional) – How to compute the distance. If
, the default, the distance will be computed as the sum of overlaps, without explicitly forming the dense operators. If'dense'
, the operators will be directly formed and the norm computed, which can be quicker when the exterior dimensions are small. If'auto'
, the dense method will be used if the total operator (outer) size is<= 2**16
.normalized (bool or str, optional) – If
, then normalize the distance by the norm of the two operators, i.e.D(A, B) * 2 / (|A| + |B|)
. The resulting distance lies between 0 and 2 and is more useful for assessing convergence. If'infidelity'
, compute the normalized infidelity1 - |<A|B>|^2 / (|A| |B|)
, which can be faster to optimize e.g., but does not take into account normalization.output_inds (sequence of str, optional) – Specify the output indices of tnA and tnB to contract over. This can be necessary if either network has hyper indices.
contract_opts – Supplied to
- Returns:
- Return type:
- quimb.tensor.fitting.tensor_network_fit_autodiff(tn, tn_target, steps=1000, tol=1e-09, autodiff_backend='autograd', contract_optimize='auto-hq', distance_method='auto', normalized='squared', output_inds=None, xBB=None, inplace=False, progbar=False, **kwargs)¶
Optimize the fit of
with respect totn_target
using automatic differentation. This minimizes the norm of the difference between the two tensor networks, which must have matching outer indices, using overlaps.- Parameters:
tn (TensorNetwork) – The tensor network to fit.
tn_target (TensorNetwork) – The target tensor network to fit
to.steps (int, optional) – The maximum number of autodiff steps.
tol (float, optional) – The target norm distance.
autodiff_backend (str, optional) – Which backend library to use to perform the gradient computation.
contract_optimize (str, optional) – The contraction path optimized used to contract the overlaps.
distance_method ({'auto', 'dense', 'overlap'}, optional) – Supplied to
, controls how the distance is computed.normalized (bool or str, optional) – If
, then normalize the distance by the norm of the two operators, i.e.D(A, B) * 2 / (|A| + |B|)
. The resulting distance lies between 0 and 2 and is more useful for assessing convergence. If'infidelity'
, compute the normalized infidelity1 - |<A|B>|^2 / (|A| |B|)
, which can be faster to optimize e.g., but does not take into account normalization.output_inds (sequence of str, optional) – Specify the output indices of tnA and tnB to contract over. This can be necessary if either network has hyper indices.
xBB (float, optional) – If you already know, have computed
tn_target.H @ tn_target
, or don’t care about the overall scale of the norm distance, you can supply a value here.inplace (bool, optional) – Update
in place.progbar (bool, optional) – Show a live progress bar of the fitting process.
kwargs – Passed to
- quimb.tensor.fitting.vdot_broadcast(x, y)¶
- quimb.tensor.fitting.conjugate_gradient(A, b, x0=None, tol=1e-05, maxiter=1000)¶
Conjugate Gradient solver for complex matrices/linear operators.
- Parameters:
A (operator_like) – The matrix or linear operator.
B (array_like) – The right-hand side vector.
x0 (array_like, optional) – Initial guess for the solution.
tol (float, optional) – Tolerance for convergence.
maxiter (int, optional) – Maximum number of iterations.
x (array_like) – The solution vector.
- quimb.tensor.fitting._tn_fit_als_core(var_tags, tnAA, tnAB, xBB, tol, steps, dense_solve='auto', solver='auto', solver_maxiter=4, solver_dense='auto', enforce_pos=False, pos_smudge=1e-15, progbar=False)¶
- quimb.tensor.fitting.tensor_network_fit_als(tn, tn_target, tags=None, steps=100, tol=1e-09, dense_solve='auto', solver='auto', solver_maxiter=4, solver_dense='auto', enforce_pos=False, pos_smudge=None, tnAA=None, tnAB=None, xBB=None, output_inds=None, contract_optimize='auto-hq', inplace=False, progbar=False, **kwargs)¶
Optimize the fit of
with respect totn_target
using alternating least squares (ALS). This minimizes the norm of the difference between the two tensor networks, which must have matching outer indices, using overlaps.- Parameters:
tn (TensorNetwork) – The tensor network to fit.
tn_target (TensorNetwork) – The target tensor network to fit
to.tags (sequence of str, optional) – If supplied, only optimize tensors matching any of given tags.
steps (int, optional) – The maximum number of ALS steps.
tol (float, optional) – The target norm distance.
dense_solve ({'auto', True, False}, optional) – Whether to solve the local minimization problem in dense form. If
, will only use dense form for small tensors.solver ({"auto", None, "cg", ...}, optional) – What solver to use for the iterative (but not dense) local minimization. If
will use a built in conjugate gradient solver. If a string, will use the corresponding solver fromscipy.sparse.linalg
.solver_maxiter (int, optional) – The maximum number of iterations for the iterative solver.
solver_dense ({"auto", None, 'solve', 'eigh', 'lstsq', ...}, optional) – The underlying driver function used to solve the local minimization, e.g.
backend, if solving the local problem in dense form.enforce_pos (bool, optional) – Whether to enforce positivity of the locally formed environments, which can be more stable, only for dense solves. This sets
.pos_smudge (float, optional) – If enforcing positivity, the level below which to clip eigenvalues for make the local environment positive definit, only for dense solves.
tnAA (TensorNetwork, optional) – If you have already formed the overlap
tn.H & tn
, maybe approximately, you can supply it here. The unconjugated layer should have tag'__KET__'
and the conjugated layer'__BRA__'
. Each tensor being optimized should have tag'__VAR{i}__'
.tnAB (TensorNetwork, optional) – If you have already formed the overlap
tn_target.H & tn
, maybe approximately, you can supply it here. Each tensor being optimized should have tag'__VAR{i}__'
.xBB (float, optional) – If you have already know, have computed
tn_target.H @ tn_target
, or it doesn’t matter, you can supply the value here.contract_optimize (str, optional) – The contraction path optimized used to contract the local environments. Note
is the default in order to maximize shared work.inplace (bool, optional) – Update
in place.progbar (bool, optional) – Show a live progress bar of the fitting process.
- Return type:
- quimb.tensor.fitting.tensor_network_fit_tree(tn, tn_target, tags=None, steps=100, tol=1e-09, ordering=None, xBB=None, istree=True, contract_optimize='auto-hq', inplace=False, progbar=False)¶
Fit tn to tn_target, assuming that tn has tree structure (i.e. a single path between any two sites) and matching outer structure to tn_target. The tree structure allows a canonical form that greatly simplifies the normalization and least squares minimization. Note that no structure is assumed about tn_target, and so for example no partial contractions reused.
- Parameters:
tn (TensorNetwork) – The tensor network to fit, it should have a tree structure and outer indices matching tn_target.
tn_target (TensorNetwork) – The target tensor network to fit
to.tags (sequence of str, optional) – If supplied, only optimize tensors matching any of given tags.
steps (int, optional) – The maximum number of ALS steps.
tol (float, optional) – The target norm distance.
ordering (sequence of int, optional) – The order in which to optimize the tensors, if None will be computed automatically using a hierarchical clustering.
xBB (float, optional) – If you have already know, have computed
tn_target.H @ tn_target
, or it doesn’t matter, you can supply the value here. It matters only for the overall scale of the norm distance.contract_optimize (str, optional) – A contraction path strategy or optimizer for contracting the local environments.
inplace (bool, optional) – Fit
in place.progbar (bool, optional) – Show a live progress bar of the fitting process.
- Return type: