
Tools for performing TEBD like algorithms on a 3D lattice.



Representation of a local hamiltonian defined on a general graph. This

Module Contents

class quimb.tensor.tensor_3d_tebd.LocalHam3D(Lx, Ly, Lz, H2, H1=None, cyclic=False)

Bases: quimb.tensor.tensor_arbgeom_tebd.LocalHamGen

Representation of a local hamiltonian defined on a general graph. This combines all two site and one site terms into a single interaction per lattice pair, and caches operations on the terms such as getting their exponential. The sites (nodes) should be hashable and comparable.

  • H2 (dict[tuple[node], array_like]) – The interaction terms, with each key being an tuple of nodes defining an edge and each value the local hamilotonian term for those two nodes.

  • H1 (array_like or dict[node, array_like], optional) – The one site term(s). If a single array is given, assume to be the default onsite term for all terms. If a dict is supplied, the keys should represent specific coordinates like (i, j) with the values the array representing the local term for that site. A default term for all remaining sites can still be supplied with the key None.


The total effective local term for each interaction (with single site terms appropriately absorbed). Each key is a pair of coordinates site_a, site_b with site_a < site_b.


dict[tuple, array_like]

property nsites

The number of sites in the system.
